Fórum E3 – Educação, Emprego e Empreendedorismo – Gratuito – Lisboa

e3 forum

O Fórum E3 (Educação, Emprego e Empreendedorismo) é um espaço de debate e interação, promotor de novas ideias, oportunidades e estratégias para a capacitação de estudantes e jovens profissionais na definição das suas carreiras. Motivado pelo estímulo ao nível de conhecimento atual, o evento pretende também criar sinergias entre os estudantes, a academia, a indústria, os empreendedores e os decisores políticos.

Terá Lugar em Lisboa- Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Ciência Viva no dia 26 JUN. 2013 das 08h30 – 22h30.

Vê o programa:

08:30h – 9:00h


09:00h – 9:30h

Opening Session
For the Opening session, the E3 Organizing Committee, the Institutional Partners and the Government representative will welcome participants and set the tone for the day. Invited speakers will introduce the importance of the Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship triangle as the motor of the economy.Representative – Organizing Comitee – E3 FORUM

Rosalia Vargas – Executive Director – CIÊNCIA VIVA

Pedro Carneiro – Board of Directors – FCT

09:30h – 11:00h

Plenary Session – Innovation Talks
We’ve all heard the term “Innovation” being used, sometimes without justification, without real meaning. What exactly is “Innovation”, how important is it for the development of Portugal? How do we promote it? The first two plenary talks will feature innovative companies. Firstly, we will get an insider’s view into the innovative workings of a successful Portuguese company to understand a real example of an innovative firm. Then we’ll get, from the second talk, a look into another innovative firm at how people form part of their innovation system.Chair: Frederico Ferreira – IST

09:30h-10:00h – “How it works: Creativity & Research, Innovation & Patenting and Profit”

Cristina Godinho – Head of Innovation Department, EFACEC

10:00h-10:30h – “Innovation and the Human Resource Factor”

Elisa Martin Garijo – Director of Technology and Innovation, IBM

10:30h-11:00h – Discussion

11:00h – 11:20h

Coffee-Break / Poster Session

11:20h – 13:00h

Plenary Session – “Insightful Debates”
11:20h-12:00h – Debate 1: “High-level graduates…must enter Academia?”The first debate will be on the topic of career choices for doctoral and masters graduates (specifically, academia versus industry versus entrepreneurship). We hope to offer enlightened discussion, fed with speakers with a range of backgrounds, on the benefits and disadvantages of each career choice, and how to prepare oneself to maximize the benefits of each.

Moderator: João Pinto Ferreira – Professor, FEUP


Marta Agostinho – European Project Manager, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, UNL

Francisco Veloso – Universidade Católica

Elisa Martin Garijo – Director of Technology and Innovation, IBM

12:00h-13:00h – Debate 2: “Building my career in Portugal”

The second debate, staying true to the E3 moniker will examine the entire Education-Employment-Entrepreneurship system in Portugal with a focus on the graduates that hope to join it in the near future. With the experience of representatives of various parts of the Portuguese society, we will seek to answer whether graduates are sufficiently well supported by academia, industry as well as the government in defining the next steps in their career, and how these three factions, as well as the graduates themselves, can improve the chances of success for graduates.

Moderator: Paulo Dias Figueiredo, Agência Lusa


Mary O’Donovan – Organization Development Director, HOVIONE

José Carlos Gonçalves – President, Portugal Outsourcing

Celso Almeida – Post-Doctoral Fellow, BioFig Center of FCUL

13:00h – 14:30h


14:30h – 16:30h

Parallel Sessions (CLICK for details)

16:30h – 17:00h

Coffee-Break / Poster Session

17:00h – 19:00h

Working Sessions (CLICK for details)

19:00h – 20:00h

Final Talk – “LusoSpace Astronautics and Sociological Ambitions”
Ivo Yves Vieira – CEO, Lusospace

20:00h – 20:30h

Best Poster Award – Sponsored by ANJE
Prize award cerimony sponsored by the National Young Entrepreneurs Association – ANJE.

20:30h – 22:30h


Mais info no site do evento.
